The Education Commission
It is an arm of the Catholic Church whose mission, mandate and vision derive from the gospel of Luke 4:18 and from the directive by Jesus to go and teach and baptize, Mt 28:19.
Its mandate is to promote, propagate and defend the kingdom of God through education and training.
Its vision is to provide holistic education that enhances the self – esteem and dignity of the human person in the atmosphere of truth, belonging, care and concern for all.
Its mission is to strive to live and witness through quality value based education for all expressed through the gospel values.
As a commission in the diocese, it oversees and supervises all education institutions especially primary and secondary schools; making sure that they are providing quality education for all and adhering to Catholic values.
Currently there are 89 primary schools, 5 community day secondary schools, 1 minor seminary and 1 girls boarding secondary school.
Established in 1999 in the Diocese of Chikwawa by late Bishop Right Revevend Felix Mkhori. The Bishop had this vision of giving the girls of the Diocese a chance to access quality and affordable education in the Diocese. As the motto states, his main idea was To Promote the Dignity of a Woman. He used to say that he was one of the people who believed that “if you educate a woman, you are educating a nation”. So these values made a girls secondary school be born just very close to the Bishop’s offices and residence.
The school is made up of several structures which include: the administration block, the academic block with four classes, a science laboratory, a multipurpose hall attached to a kitchen, five hostels with a capacity of 40 students each, a convent where MCA sisters are occupying, a borehole which is a reliable backup source for water and a cattle kraal with over fifty heads of cattle as at February 2021. This ensures that there is a steady supply of beef in the school.
There is a cordial relationship with the Alumni of the school. One intervention the girls have done is to buy branded face masks for all the students on campus and teachers too. They brought hand sanitisers as well as hand washing liquid. All this was to help in the prevention of the spread of CORONA VIRUS. The Alumni have other activities lined up to show their allegiance to the school.
St. Lawrence Girls Secondary School employs both teaching and non teaching staff. And it is also a gender sensitive employer. The school has 11 teachers which includes the Head teacher. It has 14 members of the support staff.
The first national school leaving examination was written in 2002. These pacesetters did so well in their Malawi School Certificate of Education, leaving behind a record that is yet to be beaten. However, that record keeps the other girls to keep on working hard. This has resulted into many girls attaining tertiary education in various University colleges both in the country and outside. This in turn makes the school contribute to the development of the country through these dignified young women as they work in different sectors both private and public. Some of the girls have gone as far as being in the Boards of Directors in some Authorities in the country while others are serious entrepreneurs, employing others in the long run.
Lawrence Parish. This family has established an organization called Chikwawafonds with an aim of directly helping the school in some areas. They have been helping in the science lab, bringing computers in the school as well as sourcing funds for a Solar Power project to be the backup system for power as well.
In a way the family may not be taken as the traditional donors but well wishers who intervene at most critical times. Otherwise it survives on its collection on fees.
Mzimu Woyera Seminary is found in Chikwawa district, close to St Michaels cathedral.
The seminary was established in 1980 with an aim of training boys into priesthood. At its inception, it enrolled 66 students and had classes from Std 6 to Form 4. This has changed over time with classes now begi ning from Form 1 to Form 4.
The seminary has educated over 1716 students. These students are enrolled from parishes within the diocese. The seminary depends on school fees, donations, its alumni, ordinary subsidy from Rome and different agricultural contributions from parishes within the diocese for its operations.
The teaching staff for the institution is made up of the clergy and the laity.
Since its establishment the seminary has had the following as Rector: Fr Louis Mmango, Fr J Mwangeya, Fr Henry Biriwita, Fr Alfeo Boloma, Fr Cleophas Nsambokulira, Fr Valerian Mtseka, Fr Lazarus Maloya and Fr James Chidali.
The current Rector
Featured News
Mar 2025
Schools that had been ordered to suspend classes due to cyclone Jude, resume classes today 13th March 2025. The order is communicated in a public notice released by the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education. “The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education is pleased to inform the general public, and in particular students, parents and guardians, that following updates and recommendations by the Department of Climate change and Meteorological Services, classes for Primary and secondary schools will reopen on Thursday 13th March 2025. The cyclone is now leaving the country and its effects having significantly diminished.” Read the notice. This order goes to all districts and education divisions that had been ordered to suspend classes as they were affected by cyclone. Signed by Rachel Chimbwete Phiri, Secretary for Basic and Secondary Education, the Ministry has however given the Lower shire valley districts of Nsanje and Chikwawa autonomy to decide on the reopening schools depending on their local situation. Schools in these districts are likely to delay reopening as evidenced by videos and photos on social media, of school blocks that are surrounded by flooding waters, in Nchalo for example. Schools in the Southern part of the country had been suspended earlier this week in response to the tropical cyclone Jude that was likely to affect districts in the region.
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Mar 2025
Pastoral agents and other key leaders of different lay groups in Nsanje deanery held a meeting on Saturday 8th March 2025 to strategize on different aspects of its mission. The meeting took place at St Kalemba parish Bangula drawing participants from all the members of the clergy, sisters, representative for the laity, youth, Catholic Men Association, Catholic Women Association, Pontifical Mission Societies, choir, Christian Family Movement and catechists serving in the deanery. During the meeting, deanery leadership was introduced to all members. Among the agenda items was the Jubilee year where participants were taught on its history, logo and its symbolism and also events that are lined up to mark the year. Speaking during the meeting, Fr Patrick Jambo who is parish priest for St Kalemba parish and dean of Nsanje deanery, to optimize the Jubilee year in seeking reconciliation and forgiveness. “A Jubilee year as a year of spiritual conversion, a year of celebration where people reconcile and begin anew. A year to be filled with joy” Remarked Fr Jambo. On his part, Mr John Nyaika, Diocesan Laity chairperson lauded the Jubilee year as a time to rebuild and refresh hope in God. Pope Francis announced the Jubilee year on 24th December 2024 and it will run to 6th January 2026. Later in the day, participants held discusions to have an action plan, on the welfare of priests and preparations for ordination to priesthood later this year. Nsanje deanery is made of Nsanje Parish, Tengani parish, St Kalemba and Ngabu parish.
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Mar 2025
Following the announcement of an impending cyclone Jude, forecasted by the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services, the Ministry of Higher Education has issued a directive suspending all classes in the affected districts. The suspension is from Monday 10th March to Thursday 13th March 2025, depending on further updates. Dr Lewis Keliyasi Eneya, who is the Director for Higher Education, signed the directive, stating that this is a precautionary measure to avoid exposing both teachers and students or leaners to any dangers. The Department for Climate Change and Meteorological Services on Saturday 8th March released an update on weather warming on an imminent tropical storm Jude. The warning stated that the storm will land in the Southern Malawi on Monday 10th March 20205, expecting to bring rainfall in the affected districts. Until now, the progress of the storm has remained true to the forecast with the recent update announcing the landing of the storm in Mozambique. The affected districts are Balaka, Zomba, Mangochi, Machinga, Mulanje, Phalombe, Thyolo, Chiradzulu, Nsanje, Chikwawa, Blantyre, Neno, Mwanza, Ntcheu, Dedza and Salima. The Diocese of Chikwawa whose area of jurisdiction covers Chikwawa, Nsanje, parts of Blantrye and Thyolo expects to experience the cyclone. This area is one of the regions that is most affected by such climatic conditions.
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Mar 2025
The Malawi Conference of Catholic Bishops (MCCB), has today, 9th March 2025, released a pastoral letter titled “Who will roll away the stone for us?” a guide and reflection tool as Malawi seeks an inclusive, purposeful, steadfast and peaceful journey towards 2025 General elections. In adherence to their long standing tradition that dates back to 1961, the Bishops have issued the 29th Pastoral letter to guide Christians in this Lenten season, in this year of jubilee that seeks to deepen our faith, and so help prepare for the elections due to take place in September this year. In the letter, the Catholics bishops begin by referring to the experience of the three woman that journeyed to see the tomb of Jesus. Filled with anxiety about their own limitations, they women wondered if they would manage to roll of the stone used to shut the entrance to the tomb. However, they found the stone already rolled off. Drawing inspiration from such an event, the Bishops remind the faithful that the resurrection of Jesus is testimony that there is nothing and indeed no stone that cannot be removed or overcome by God. It from this promise that the Bishops, while recalling the various “stones” that Malawians face today, their anxiety should not be like that of the women. Rather they must be filled with hope that the problems that Malawians face today can be solved by having right leaders to rule this country. Therefore, the Bishops have called on all Malawians eligible to vote, to avail themselves in September to vote, and vote wisely, for leaders that will help to roll away the different stones that have hindered the prosperity of the nation. Among the problems facing Malawians mentioned in the later are; corruption, lack of seriousness on the part of political leaders, lack of general mentality to produce and enhance exports, donor dependence, lack of patriotism, food insecurity and high cost of living among others. Signed by all the Catholic Bishops in Malawi, the pastoral letter has been read in all Catholic Churches around the country. It is within the mandate of the Catholic Bishops to give guidance, correction and comfort to the people as they go through different social ills.
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