Education Commission awards outstanding institutions

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Education Commission awards outstanding institutions

Education Commission awards outstanding institutions

By Social Research and Communication Commission
15 March, 2025

The Diocese of Chikwawa, through the Education Commission of the Social Services Directorate, has today awarded education institutions that have recorded success in the previous National examinations.

The award ceremony started with Eucharistic celebration led by His Lordship Peter Musikuwa, Bishop of the Diocese.

In his homily during the Eucharistic celebration, Bishop Musikwa, guided by the readings of the day reminded all especially key players in education, including students and teachers the importance of knowing and following rules and laws that govern the delivery of quality education.

“If you follow the rules of your life as students and teachers, you shall be successful. What we celebrate today is a fruit of this practice. In the end we shall be agents of evangelization because the conversion shown through the new way of doing things will be of interest and a motivation for others” Said Bishop Musikuwa.

The ceremony which has been partly sponsored by Centenary bank had three categories; Best performing head teacher, three best performing primary schools and three best performing secondary schools.

In the Best performing head teacher Mr Christopher Nansenya, Who was head teacher at Chikumba Primary school, emerged the winner. In best primary schools Bereu Primary, St Mathew’s primary and Chikumba primary schools in ascending order got rewarded. St Michaels CDSS from Chikwawa won the ultimate prize in the secondary school category beating Nkhate CDSS who came second and Mzimu Woyera Seminary on third position.

The ceremony was attended by both teachers and student from different catholic schools in the Diocese.


The awards ceremony was started by the education Commission as one way of motivating teachers and students to work hard in a bid to lift education standards in the Diocese. Two weeks ago, the Commission gathered teachers from catholic secondary schools in the Diocese to equip them with techniques to be imparted as students on how best they can answer questions during Maneb examinations to improve results in these schools.

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Education Commission awards outstanding institutions



Mar 2025

Education Commission awards outstanding institutions

The Diocese of Chikwawa, through the Education Commission of the Social Services Directorate, has today awarded education institutions that have recorded success in the previous National examinations. The award ceremony started with Eucharistic celebration led by His Lordship Peter Musikuwa, Bishop of the Diocese. In his homily during the Eucharistic celebration, Bishop Musikwa, guided by the readings of the day reminded all especially key players in education, including students and teachers the importance of knowing and following rules and laws that govern the delivery of quality education. “If you follow the rules of your life as students and teachers, you shall be successful. What we celebrate today is a fruit of this practice. In the end we shall be agents of evangelization because the conversion shown through the new way of doing things will be of interest and a motivation for others” Said Bishop Musikuwa. The ceremony which has been partly sponsored by Centenary bank had three categories; Best performing head teacher, three best performing primary schools and three best performing secondary schools. In the Best performing head teacher Mr Christopher Nansenya, Who was head teacher at Chikumba Primary school, emerged the winner. In best primary schools Bereu Primary, St Mathew’s primary and Chikumba primary schools in ascending order got rewarded. St Michaels CDSS from Chikwawa won the ultimate prize in the secondary school category beating Nkhate CDSS who came second and Mzimu Woyera Seminary on third position. The ceremony was attended by both teachers and student from different catholic schools in the Diocese.   The awards ceremony was started by the education Commission as one way of motivating teachers and students to work hard in a bid to lift education standards in the Diocese. Two weeks ago, the Commission gathered teachers from catholic secondary schools in the Diocese to equip them with techniques to be imparted as students on how best they can answer questions during Maneb examinations to improve results in these schools.

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Ministry suspends classes as Cyclone Jude nears

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