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Feb 2025
The Diocese of Chikwawa is mourning the loss of Luciano Lloyd, a major seminarian who was hit by a vehicle that left him untended after a hit and run accident. Through communication from the Rector of Kachebere Major Seminary, the Diocese has been informed that the incident happened yesterday and the victim was rushed to Mchinji District hospital where he passed on due to hemorrhagic shock, a condition caused by excessive loss of blood. Meanwhile the Diocesan authorities and the deceased family will sit and plan the burial of the seminarian, who until his death was a third year philosophy student. At the right time, funeral arrangements will be announced by the Diocese. Brother Luciano Lloyd hailed from Nkhate Parish, and was at Kachebere Major Seminary studying philosophy.
Read More →Tue
Feb 2025
Parish priests from all the 14 parishes in the Diocese of Chikwawa are undergoing pastoral training in the course of two days beginning 25th February to 26th February 20205. Conducted with funding from the Malawi Conference of Catholic Bishops (MCCB), the ongoing formation is meant to refresh these pastors on different aspects of their mission. Speaking at the opening of the training, Bishop Peter Musikuwa emphasized on the need that parish priests should be aware of the duty entrusted to them as shepherds. “You must protect your flock from errors that threaten their faith. As a parish priest, you should be the true reference point for the civilization of truth and love in this world that can only be achieved when justice and faith meet” Said the Bishop. Taking his turn, Fr Joseph Sikwese who is the National Pastoral Coordinator urged Parish priests to align their efforts to the Church’s primary goal which is evangelization. “As one entrusted with the pastoral care of the flock in your parishes, ensure that all your programs, initiatives and activities contribute to the work of evangelization.” Fr Sikwese said. Among the topics to be discussed are: evangelization, pastoral collaboration and synodality, children and youth ministry, devotions in parish life, parish administration and others. The training has been organized by the Commission of Evangelization (Pastoral Commission) of the Malawi Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Read More →Fri
Feb 2025
The office of the Bishop of the Diocese of Chikwawa has announced new pastoral appointments. Through communication made via the office of the Vicar General, Fr Stanford Sungani has been appointed to be Parish Priest for Mbusa Wabwino (Nsanje) Parish. The communication continues to announce that Fr Tobias Mbalale will now be Parish Priest for Sacred Heart (Misomali) Parish. The transfers are with effect from 9th March 2025. The appointments are a direct swap of places of pastoral work for both priests, as Fr Sungani is the currently Parish Priest for Misomali while Fr Mbalale is Parish Priest for Nsanje parish.
Read More →Fri
Jan 2025
The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) has announced that it has changed its name and logo. Previously and popularly known as the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), the conference will now be called The Malawi Conference of Catholic Bishops (MCCB). The change is with immediate effect. Explaining the reasons for the change, Archbishop George Desmond Tambala, of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, who is also the chairperson of the Conference, said that the changes seek to ensure clarity of identity and also aligning with global catholic terminology in naming institutions of this nature. Changes in the logo constitute the following: Crozier and Miter; used by Catholic Bishops. Cross as a Christian symbol of our salvation. Map indicates that the Logo is exclusive for the Catholic Church in Malawi. The colors in the Logo are Missionary Colors of the five continents as also used in the Missionary rosary prayers. These Missionary Colors indicate the Bishops’ commitment to the universal mission of the Catholic Church: preaching the gospel to and praying for all the continents. Green is a sign of life and care for the environment: Commitment to protecting and promoting human life and environment. Red is a sign of the fire of faith, love, martyrdom and sacrifices of the Catholic Church. White is a sign of holiness: Commitment to working towards the sanctification of the whole creation. Blue is a color of courage and perseverance: Commitment to embrace these two virtues like those sailing on the deep blue waters. It is also a Marian color reflecting our dependency on the intercession of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Yellow is a color of hope: Bishops in Malawi hope for the good things to come from and through the risen Christ. The changes have been announced through a letter authored on 31st December, signed by Archbishop Tambala.
Read More →Thu
Jan 2025
Bishop Peter Musikuwa joined refugees gathered at a refugee’s resettlement camp in Nyamithuthu for prayers for peace in Mozambique. At the functions, the Bishop and various stakeholders and authorities made a call appealing for help to assist the refugees. The remarks were made after the mass organized by the Diocese of Chikwawa during distribution of relief items. In his remarks, Bishop Alfred Chaima of Zomba Diocese representing the Episcopal Conference of Malawi expressed his delight in helping out with the little that the conference could get through CADECOM, with funding from CRS. Earlier, Assistant Refugee Support Officer, Newton Mwenesongole said that food remains a big challenge for the refugees. “Food supplies are not adequate as our friends often go to bed on an empty stomach. So we appeal to stakeholders to support the asylum seekers with food items”. Taking his turn Traditional Authority Tengani called for more help while thanking CADECOM and the Diocese of Chikwawa for the help they offered to the refugees. Fighting started in Mozambique following the disputed presidential election results in the country. This led to many people fleeing their country in search for safety.
Read More →Wed
Jan 2025
Following the heavily disputed election results in Mozambique, fierce fighting has broken in the country, leaving people with no choice but flee to neighboring countries. Malawi is one neighboring country to Mozambique that has seen an influx of asylum seekers following heavy fighting there. The Southern Districts of Nsanje and Chikwawa under the Diocese of Chikwawa have seen most of these. It is reported that as many as 4,110 households have sought refuge in different centers. The Social Services Directorate of the Diocese of Chikwawa has responded quickly to the crisis. In collaboration with the DODMA for Nsanje and Chikwawa districts, the Directorate was able to conduct a screening and assessment of the situation to have a clear picture from the situation. The initial response by the directorate to the situation was the distribution of soya flour for under-five children and other food stuffs like 365 bags of Maize and 25 bags of beans through the DoDMA office from Nsanje. The Directorate therefore is calling all well-wishers and organizations to come in and assist with the following items: food, shelter and housing materials, kitchen utensils, beddings, dingy and hygiene kits, clothes and WASH facilities. The refugees are being temporarily camped in different centers as Tengani EC, Nyamithuthu Primary school, and Chadzuka EC in T /A Tengani, Khope camp, Mnembe CBCC in T /A Mbenje, Chikonje primary school in T /A Mlolo and old Chang’ambika CDSS in T/A Chapananga. A decision has been made to setup a camp at Tengani in Nsanje where all these can be taken care of.
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